London Romance

London Romance

The trip was not really long, but tiring. It was a red eye. I did not sleep on the plane. Instead, I watched a movie, and caught up on trip planning. The night before, I did not really sleep until well past 5am either. I got Dad iPod and speaker for his 70th years birthday gift. I spend the whole morning try to organize my song, set up his iPod, and transfer songs to his iPod. So, this was a tiring plane ride.

Since Lo did not successfully get the foreign exchange from the bank, first thing we did when we got off the plane was to get some foreign exchange. The rate was much higher right outside of the gate. I got 100 pounds anyway, since we need that to get to the hotel. Then, by the luggage claim, there was an American Express, with better rate than the one before. I was going to get more pounds and euro. Well, I probably did not set up the cash advance for American Express, they would not let the transaction through. Well, it was actually for the better anyway. We realized later that the rate by the hotel was much better. But, it was a long wait at the counter.

We took the train from the airport to the hotel. It was a little bit awkward, given the luggage, and the transfer. However, for 3.8 pounds each, it is worth the travel. We decided that we are going to spend as little on this trip as possible.

After checking into the hotel and a long shower, we went for a walk. European buildings always bring you the charm and romance feeling. Both me and Lo felt that as we just stepped out of the hotel.

We walked along the Oxford street, took a few pictures, actually spent sometimes in a bookstore, then head back to the hotel. Streets of London is very similar to Hong Kong, except Hong Kong is much smaller. Stores, telephone booths, bus, and even mailbox... It does bring back a lot of memory of childhood, waling along Nathan road every weekend. We picked up some food from KFC, and headed back to the hotel.

After the dinner,it was only about 6p. We decided to go to bed. By 8p, I woke up. Tried all the chargers, and found that the power adapter I got from Radio Shack actually did not work. Well, I would have to return it, probably along with the iGo. Luckily, the hotel has an 110V U.S. electrical outlet. So, at least my laptop, camera charger work. After a while, Lo woke up as well. We decided to take another walk. It was about 10pm by then. We ended up taking a very long walk. We actually got lost. We definitely were not used to London street signs. Most of the time, we did not really know which street we were on. Anyway, it was a good walk. There are many nice department stores along Oxford and Regent streets. They definitely have really nice shearling coats and boots. The streets already have beautiful Christmas lighting decorations. I took a few pictures. We were on Oxford, Regent, Piccadilly (right along the Green Park), which to our surprise at that time, we were not able to pick up Oxford street again. We ended up turning to Park Lane (along the Hyde Park), after a few directions, we finally were able to get back to the hotel.

Well, we did discover that by Grosvenor Street/ Square, there are a lot of embassies and consulates. We found U.S. Embassy and Consulate, Indonesia, Canada, Argentina to name a few. The walk took longer than two hours. We had enough exercise for the day. This definitely gave me a good perspective of the map and the distance between the tourist attractions. It also gave us the lesson of never leave the hotel without a map. Streets of London are not quite like streets of New York.


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