
Showing posts from July, 2020

Meditation with Gil - Gate

Gate - peace, freedom, love, compassion The gate goes to both directions - forward or backward, left or right, in or out. We are a gate - senses at the sense store, sense gate - all the information from the outer world comes to us, and all the information from the inner world comes through us Some people go out to the outer world.  some people look inward to the inner world. Some people find conflicts in both directions. In meditation, it is to find a way, the way to see the world around us, to relate to the world inside of us. Bring the inner world and outer world in harmony, as it becomes more peaceful, free, loving, we will be able to see the world in that lens. How we relate to the world, how we act in the world, has a lot to do with how we are inside. To have that in harmony, when we look out to the gate, via our sense, to be able to see The work that we do inside, is to bring our inside in harmony with the world we see around us, bring that in harmony.  This ...

Meditation Poem - Thich Nhan Hanh

Meditation Poem Breathing in, I know I am breathing in.  Breathing out, I know I am breathing out. In. Out Breathing in, my in-breath has become deep.  Breathing out, my out-breath has become slow.  Deep Slow Breathing in, I feel calm.  Breathing out, I feel at ease. Calm Ease. Breathing in, I smile.  Breathing out, I release all my worries and anxieties.  Smile Release. Breathing in, I dwell deeply in the present moment.  Breathing out, I know this is a wonderful moment.  Present moment Wonderful moment. "In, out Deep, slow Calm, ease Smile, release Present moment, wonderful moment.

Ten Keys to Happier Living

Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions - Dalai Lama Do Things For Others – rather than waiting for somebody else on staff to take the initiative and do something for staff welfare this year, be that person. Create a roster for special morning teas, birthday celebrations, or a once a term social event. Connect With People – focus this year on being a great listener. At times we can get so busy with our work in schools that we rush from one task to the next. This year, take time to really connect with a couple of colleagues. Concentrate on taking the time to really listen to how they are and what is happening in their world, away from school. Take Care of Your Body – establish good exercise routines this year. Whether it is walking the dog, going to the gym or riding a bike, it takes three weeks for an activity to become a habit. Work hard and commit to the activity until it becomes part of your routine. Unfortunately, exercise is often the first ...

Why We Take Refuge

B d Why We Take Refuge BY  YONGEY MINGYUR RINPOCHE |  MARCH 20, 2018 share on Facebook (Opens in new windo Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window There are two kinds of refuge, says Mingyur Rinpoche—outer and inner. The reason we take refuge in the outer forms of enlightenment is so that we may find the buddha within. Everyone takes refuge in something. Often it’s in relationships, locations, or activities that offer the body or mind a sense of security and protection. Even neurotic or unhealthy habits—like eating too much chocolate or giggling compulsively—can function as a protective shield to ward off feelings of anxiety or vulnerability. Ask yourself, “Where do I look for happiness? Where do I seek security and comfort?” In love, in social status, or in the stock market? Our car may break down, our company may declare bankruptcy, or our partner may walk out. Our perfect health wil...

The Five Mindfulness Trainings

The Five Mindfulness Trainings represent the Buddhist vision for a global spirituality and ethic. They are a concrete expression of the Buddha’s teachings on the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path, the path of right understanding and true love, leading to healing, transformation, and happiness for ourselves and for the world. To practice the Five Mindfulness Trainings is to cultivate the insight of interbeing, or Right View, which can remove all discrimination, intolerance, anger, fear, and despair. If we live according to the Five Mindfulness Trainings, we are already on the path of a bodhisattva. Knowing we are on that path, we are not lost in confusion about our life in the present or in fears about the future. Reverence For Life Aware of the suffering caused by the destruction of life, I am committed to cultivating the insight of interbeing and compassion and learning ways to protect the lives of people, animals, plants, and minerals. I am determined not ...

Fundamental Dharma Teachings

The Triple Gem Buddha - the historical Buddha and one's own potential for awakening Dharma - the teachings of the Buddha; the truth of the way things are Sangha - the community; in Asia this refers to the monastic community, in the West this includes lay practitioners The Triple Gem is also referred to as  The Three Refuges : "I take refuge in: the Buddha, the Dharma, the Sangha." The Four Noble Truths There is suffering. The origin of suffering is craving. There is an end to suffering. The way to the end of suffering is the Noble Eightfold Path. The Eightfold Path Wisdom ( panna ) Factors:     Right Understanding (or view)     Right Thought (or intention) Ethical Conduct ( sila ) Factors:     Right Speech     Right Action     Right Livelihood Concentration ( samadhi ) Factors:     Right Effort     Right Mindfulness     Right Concentration The Three M...

Touching the Earth (III)

Touching the Earth, I let go of my idea that I am this body and my life span is limited. [bell] [all touch the earth] I see that this body, made up of the four elements, is not really me and I am not limited by this body. I am part of a stream of life of spiritual and blood ancestors that for thousands of years has been flowing into the present and flows on for thousands of years into the future. I am one with my ancestors. I am one with all people and all species, whether they are peaceful and fearless, or suffering and afraid. At this very moment, I am present everywhere on this planet. I am also present in the past and in the future. The disintegration of this body does not touch me, just as when the plum blossom falls it does not mean the end of the plum tree. I see myself as a wave on the surface of the ocean. My nature is the ocean water. I see myself in all the other waves and I see all the other waves in me. The appearance and disappearance of the form of ...

Touching the Earth (II)

Touching the Earth, I connect with all people and all species that are alive at this moment in this world with me. [bell] [all touch the earth] I am one with the wonderful pattern of life that radiates out in all directions. I see the close connection between myself and others, how we share happiness and suffering. I am one with those who were born disabled or who have become disabled because of war, accident, or illness. I am one with those who are caught in a situation of war or oppression. I am one with those who find no happiness in family life, who have no roots and no peace of mind, who are hungry for understanding and love, and who are looking for something beautiful, wholesome, and true to embrace and to believe in. I am someone at the point of death who is very afraid and does not know what is going to happen. I am a child who lives in a place where there is miserable poverty and disease, whose legs and arms are like sticks and who has no future. I am al...

Touching the Earth (I)

Touching the Earth, I connect with ancestors and descendants of both my spiritual and my blood families. [bell] [all touch the earth] My spiritual ancestors include the Buddha, the Bodhisattvas, the noble Sangha of Buddha’s disciples, Thay, and my own spiritual teachers still alive or already passed away. They are present in me because they have transmitted to me seeds of peace, wisdom, love, and happiness. They have woken up in me my resource of understanding and compassion. When I look at my spiritual ancestors, I see those who are perfect in the practice of the mindfulness trainings, understanding, and compassion, and those who are still imperfect. I accept them all because I see within myself shortcomings and weaknesses. Aware that my practice of the mindfulness trainings is not always perfect, and that I am not always as understanding practice the mindfulness trainings, understanding, and compassion in a way which invites confidence and respect, but there are also tho...

Five Rememberances

I am of the nature to grow  old.  There is no way to escape  growing old. (Bell) I am of the nature to have  ill-health.  There is no way to escape  having ill-health. (Bell) I am of the nature to die.  There is no way to escape  death. (Bell) All that is dear to me and  everyone I love are of the nature to change. There is no way to escape  being separated from them. (Bell) I inherit the results of my  actions of body, speech, and mind. My actions are my  continuation. (Bell,Bell) Gatha on Impermanence The day is now ended.  Our lives are shorter. Let us look carefully.  What have we done? Noble Sangha, with all our  heart, Let us be diligent,  engaging in the practice. Let us live deeply,  free from our afflictions,  aware of impermanence so that life does not  drift away without  meaning. (Bell,Bell)