Touching the Earth (I)

Touching the Earth,
I connect with ancestors and descendants of both my spiritual and my blood families. [bell]
[all touch the earth]

My spiritual ancestors include the Buddha, the Bodhisattvas, the noble Sangha of Buddha’s disciples, Thay, and my own spiritual teachers still alive or already passed away.

They are present in me because they have transmitted to me seeds of peace, wisdom, love, and happiness. They have woken up in me my resource of understanding and compassion.

When I look at my spiritual ancestors, I see those who are perfect in the practice of the mindfulness trainings, understanding, and compassion, and those who are still imperfect. I accept them all because I see within myself shortcomings and weaknesses.

Aware that my practice of the mindfulness trainings is not always perfect,
and that I am not always as understanding practice the mindfulness trainings,
understanding, and compassion in a way which invites confidence and respect,
but there are also those who come across many difficulties and are constantly subject to ups and downs in their practice.

In the same way, I accept all my ancestors on my mother’s side and my father’s side of the family.
I accept all their good qualities and their virtuous actions, and I also accept all their weaknesses.
I open my heart and accept all my blood descendants with their good qualities, their talents, and also their weaknesses.

My spiritual ancestors, blood ancestors, spiritual descendants, and blood descendants are all part of me. I am them, and they are me.

I do not have a separate self. All exist as part of a wonderful stream of life which is constantly moving. [three breaths]
[all stand up]


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