Best time in NYC (April 8 - 15, 2006)

Sat - It was rainy date. We checked into the Manhattan Club. Just relax.

Sun - China town in the morning, Intreped in the afternoon, Columbia Circle mall at the evening. LO went back home at the evening.

Mon - Babysitter came to take the kids to Central Park, so I can work. We went to Columbia Circle mall and have a swell time at Samsung demo store until the store actually closed. BLO forgot the tamagotchi at the store. GLO was kind enough to go back to the store and claim his beloved toy. We also ate in a Japanese restaurant nearby.

Tues - China town with grand father and babysitter. I left work early, and tour the lovely Central Park and see all the famous spots in most movies. LO joint us in the evening for Empire States Observatory and enjoy the Broadway nightlife walk ... GLO was so excited about the neon lights of the 'Banners' at the Time Square. He was truly excited and really happy.

Wed - Babysitter and kids went for Rockefeller Tour in the morning. I joined them at Guggenheim Museum in the afternoon... Lincoln Center, ABC at night.

Thur - Kids go home with LO in the morning. I go home with friend after work (bring as much luggage back) - GLO needs to practice Piano/ SAT, BLO Piano as recital is due for the weekend.

Fri - I took the day off. 9am NBC tour with kids. 11am meeting GLO's friend AJ at Museum of Natural History and the Rose Center. It was Darwin's special edition adn the Big Band. We had a great time.

Sat - Museum of Modern Art in the morning and early afternoon. Circle line cruise with kids late afternoon. We wish LO can join us, but he was sick and stayed home.

So, we ended the very satisfying one week trip in NYC. We had such a great time. I truly enjoyed the week.


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