New beginning

All my life, I do what is expected of me.  I studied hard, and did very well in school.  I worked hard and did very well in my career.  I worked for corporate, because I did not have the stomach to take the risk to start and run my own business.  God has always been kind to me.  Very often, at some life defining moments, God pushes me to get out of my comfort zone and leap frog to the next step. 

Starting my own business is hard.  I know I am competent, and better than many people in my industry.  But, in business, being competent in what you do is not enough.  You got to connect, get the right people who will trust you and you business enough to buy your products and services.

People are not often as helpful as you would expect them to be.  It is very much easier to talk than to walk.  And sometimes, they don't even want to talk.  It is at that moment, I realize that not everyone remember and appreciate all the good deeds you have done to help them in their career enough to take some actions to help you.

Starting a business is the ultimate test of my own capabilities.  It is a test of discipline, diligence, perseverance and dynamics.  Of course, there is some factor of lucks.  I will do my best.  The rest, all lies in God's hand.     


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