Is Your Brain Stuck in a Chronic Fight, Flight, or Freeze Response?

Dynamic neural re-training system - to rewire neural pathway

Is your brain stuck?

Amygdala - brain's fear center

Hippocampus - involved with your memories. store memories of your traumas for future protection

Hypothalamus - chemist - hormone - get ready for flight or fleet

cingulate cortex - focus on the thread until it is resolved

usually is a combination of these stresses that tip the amygdala & limbic system.

when a limbic system is injuries =

Neurons that fire together wires together - any time that neurons fire together, the speed of transmission gets faster as time goes. The actual neural; network starts to change.

Do you start to retract from the world? Avoidance behavior.

need motivation to maintain practice for at least 6 month on  a daily basis

Online DVD and book, with the community forum

Also have training for certified coaches - who had suffer the issues.

Write down any thoughts, emotional POPs that may cause the flight, fight, freeze.  Are these thoughts healthy?  into a state of growth and repair

Need to cultivate gratitude compassion

There is a true limitation in talking 

but, you need the tool to switch the state the limbic retraining does that.

Don't need to practice after 6 months daily, but still 

do things mindfully, exercise, and do positive visualization occasionally

some people continue the practice because they feel good with themselves after the practice.

14 hours of recorded material (of the program) contains the science,

two programs she taught (with a group of people).

DNS 2.0 - 14 chapters on how to get most of the practice, look for blind spots

Anxiety, chemical sensitivities, exhaustion, and chronic pain syndromes were on the rise before the coronavirus pandemic, but the effects of COVID-19 have led to health challenges beyond the virus itself—leaving many people in a chronic fight, flight, or freeze stress state. When the brain is stuck in this state, we find ourselves looping in the same self-protective thoughts, emotions, and behaviors—creating the very patterns that reinforce the state itself. Join Annie Hopper, founder of the Dynamic Neural Retraining System, as she shares practical information about this self-directed, neuroplasticity-based program to help you get unstuck and improve your health.

Session Highlights:

  • The role of the limbic system in the fight, flight, or freeze response
  • How the Dynamic Neural Retraining System can help you to get “unstuck”
  • How to identify and stop unwanted thoughts, emotions, and behaviors associated with a chronic fight, flight, or freeze response

Annie Hopper

Founder of the Dynamic Neural Retraining System™

Annie Hopper is a limbic system rehabilitation specialist with a global mission: to take the “mystery” out of “mysterious illness.” Hopper empowers people with the tools that they need to rewire their brains, transform their health, and reclaim their lives. In 2008, after recovering from debilitating chronic illness, Hopper founded the Dynamic Neural Retraining System—a drug-free, neuroplasticity-based approach to rewire neural pathways in the brain that are associated with a maladapted stress response. The program assists in decreasing symptoms associated with many illnesses such as anxiety, chemical sensitivities, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, food sensitivities, Lyme disease, and many other chronic conditions. She has lectured throughout North America and abroad, educating both patients and doctors alike about the connection between environmental toxins, brain trauma, physical health, and self-directed neuroplasticity. Speaking engagements include the Parliament House, Helsinki, Finland; the Brain Injury Association of Canada; the American Academy of Environmental Medicine; the Institute for Functional Medicine; the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association; McMaster University Teaching Hospital; the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health; the Academy of Comprehensive Medicine; the Autism Education Summit; the Forum for Integrative Medicine; and the International Society for Environmentally Acquired Illnesses.


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